Coquetdale Lodge - No.5122
Installation Nights & Annual Festivals
You can either scroll down to view the images or click the links then scroll the images for that period
Coquetdale Lodge - Masonic Year 2012/13
84th Annual Festival - 11th October 2012
Installation Night 2012 - Summons
Annual Festival
Menu, Toast List and Officers for 2012/13
Installation of Bro. Alan Thompson - Worshipful Master of Coquetdale 5122
Festive Board
(top table - left to right)
W.Bro. John Fitzsimmons PProvJGD, W.Bro. John Tomlin PAGDC, W.M. Alan Thompson, W.Bro. Ian Glendinning
Coquetdale Lodge - Masonic Year 2011/12
83rd Annual Festival - 13th October 2011
Installation Night 2011 - Summons
Annual Festival
Menu, Toast List and Officers for 2011/12
Installation of W.Bro. Thomson Bathgate - Worshipful Master of Coquetdale 5122
Festive Board
below are images from one of W.Bro. Thomson's earlier festive boards (2002),
but it is worth seeing as there are W. Bro.'s on here who are sadly no longer with us
Coquetdale Lodge - Masonic Year 2010/11
82nd Annual Festival - 14th October 2010
Installation Night 2010 - Summons
82nd Annual Festival - Officers, Menu & Toast List
14th October 2010
Years Gone By....
This is a 1957 example of what an earlier Festival Menu and Toast List would look like.
As you can see it is very elaborately designed with an embosed design which would not have been cheap to print.
On the menu page (below left), the embossing is the reverse of the front page (left) and is harder to see as the inside colouring has not faded over the years, whilst the back page (below) is just plain.
They are not that much different in the contents as can be seen from todays menu and toast list (above), but it doesn't take an expert to see the one large difference - and that is the number of Brethren taking up the relevant officers positions.
This is a 1962 example of what a Coquetdale Lodge No.5122 Festival Menu and Toast List looked like.
Unlike the previous 1957 example, you can see it is not so elaborately designed. This may beg the question ....was the Lodge was starting to feel the effects of a drop in numbers and having to watch the finances even then?
On the Toast List section (below left), you can see it is again laid out much the same as it is in todays modern design and when looking at the Officers section, it wouldn't appear there was a shortage of brethren for the positions of the Officers, but this doesn't give an accurate account of Lodge numbers..
A Few More Examples
To View Examples of Annual Festival Memorabilia from other Lodges - click HERE